FarmOut call center facilities were down for about 30 minutes as a result of cable cut in the international fiber from the Taiwan 7.1-7.2 Richter scale earthquake. Full service was
Several reference materials ordered by Farmout (Call Center Philippines) arrived recently. These reference materials include “The Chicago Manual of Style”, 15th Edition The University of Chicago Press and “The Elements
Farmout is currently looking for Bi-lingual agents that can speak both English and Spanish fluently for our Philippine Call Center operations. We are also looking for bi-lingual trainors to help
Farmout congratulates for its laudable social program involving US veterans. “In conjunction with Five9, the Purple Heart Service Foundation is providing Veterans of this country with rigorous and comprehensive
Farmout is pleased to note that BOI has approved our request to have the terms and conditions of our BOI Certificate REg no 2005-168 from : “The ITH incentives shall
Our Training Center Administrator, Ms Yvette Pascual reports: The following FOCI graduates are offered a job or are currently working in various Philippine call centers: Agapito E. Posadas Jr. Margie
Source: ZDNet Telemarketers will have to abide by a national Do Not Call register in 2007, after the federal government announced it would soon introduce legislation to protect consumers. The
SOX in this case refers to Sarbanes-Oxley. In a BusinessWeek article : Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is the corporate equivalent of root canal. Big public companies spent thousands
Farmout Central, a Philippine Call Center and Five9, the leading VCC provider in the Philippines, just signed an agreement wherein Farmout Central call center training division will conduct call center training and
Students from University of Luzon are shown taking Farmout’s Online call center agent assessment exams. As a call center in the philippines, farmout employs the leading method of agent assessments