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Beverly Hills Street, Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City, Pangasinan, Philippines, 2400
US Toll Free: 1-866-256-5455

Enhance your current marketing programs to deliver more sales. Combine your marketing strategies with our outsourced contact services. Let our people reach out to potential clients.

Our outsourced contact specialists engage with your potential clients. And rather than just deliver the sales pitch (a turnoff), we start the conversation and LISTEN to them.

Leverage our skills by outsourcing your non-core activities and free up your staff to do what they do best! We filter your prospects via pre-qualification and gauge their level of interest in your product or service. For those that qualify AND are interested, we then set up an appointment to speak with your marketing reps. YOUR marketing guys do the final conversion. They get to speak to only those that are qualified AND interested. Your people save valuable time and they in turn, get more opportunities to close.

Using state of the art solutions, we assign outbound service specialists to make calls to your clients or prospects. We do this during office hours and follow strict DNC (do not call) legislations.

Outbound calls typically include making pre-qualifying calls to prospects, setting up appointments for your sales staff making customer satisfaction survey, doing follow-up billing reminders and making reminder calls for appointments.

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