FOCI Training Center signs MOA with Rural Bank of Mangaldan

FarmOut Central Intouch, Inc., – a Philippine contact center, recently signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Rural Bank of Mangaldan for the purpose of providing loans to deserving call center aspirants who are currently financially incapable of funding their own training.  With the help of the bank, future trainees can now worry less about money matters whenever they would want to enroll in FOCIs call center training program.

The mechanics of the program is very simple: an applicant would need to go to FOCI and state his desire to work as a contact center agent. He would then be required to take an evaluation test to assess his/her qualification in working for a call center. Once the test results are received by the assessor, the applicant wil be oriented regarding any need for training to further hone his/her skills. Scholarships will be offered but, if the applicant does not qualify or over-qualifies for any reason, the Financing Program of the bank will then be provided next. After orientation, the applicant shall then be endorsed to the main office of the Rural Bank of Mangaldan where terms of the subsidy shall be explained further. It’s that easy.

With this program of FOCI, more and more people from our locality can now avail of call center training and may have the opportunity of greater earning for a more prosperous life. All this in the pursuit of raising the standard of living of our countrymen.

Pictures below show the signing of the MOA.