FOCI @ e-Services Feb. 16 to 17, 2006

In a nutshell, our first crack at a global expo is indeed a major eye opener. Given the number of foreign dignitaries and possible investors one would really realize that our world is getting smaller by the minute. Attending E-Services, now at its sixth version, is a step in the right direction for Farmout Central in reaching its vision of being in touch with the needs of its target market. By representing the province of Pangasinan, I was able to interact with other representatives of other provinces and I must say I am amazed by the effort and creativity of these government officials in promoting their respective provinces to attract contact centers and BPO companies. From elaborate audio visual presentations to huge tracks of land converted into cyber or IT hubs; from tax incentives to educational and training programs to prepare future career agents these provinces are raring to make their respective regions the ideal paradise of contact centers and BPOs. As they say, image is everything in this industry and they definitely made tremendous leaps and bounds to support their respective images.
Aside from interacting with fellow delegates and possible clients the expo has also given me a glimpse of other opportunities wherein Farmout may possibly venture into.

Animation is simply awesome and the opportunities seem to be endless especially for the Filipino artists. This is indeed a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of the Filipino. It is actually nothing really new where companies like Hanna Barbera and Walt Disney have invested in Filipino talent by establishing cartoon production centers within Metro Manila. They have come and gone but apparently they are making a comeback here this time with digital animation. By the way, if you get to watch Nemo try to observe closely all the aquariums in the movie and you will notice that as part of the ornaments are “bahay kubos.” This is a digital animation signature of a Filipino cartoonist. Given the right technology at their disposal I am pretty confident that Pangasinan’s brightest will come out of their respective turtle shells and blossom into the world’s finest animators and digital artists.

I am deeply honored that I was able to represent the province of Pangasinan in this year’s e-services expo and I would not mind doing it again next year. We have a year to prepare and with the knowledge and experience we have I am sure we will come out stronger making us an ideal place for outsourcing. Till then, MAGIS!ÂÂ