Dagupan SP passes Ord 1902-2007
Here is the text of the ordinance that converts the 3rd floor of the Malimgas Market mall into space intended for ICT call center operators:
 WHEREAS, the New Dagupan Malimgas Public Market located on
was purposely constructed to accommodate the old market vendors who were displaced from the original facility as a result of its demolition;ÂÂ
WHEREAS, this public market consists of three floors, the first of which is intended for meat, vegetables and fish vendors, the second for dry goods, and the third for a pay parking area; WHEREAS, it has been observed that the pay parking area is no longer feasible considering that there are many parking areas in the city more accessible than the intended pay parking area;ÂÂ
WHEREAS, consistent with this declaration and in light of the emergence and development of information technology in this city, this body, through Resolution No. 4863-2004, has expressed its intent to establish a call center in this city to address a wide range of Information Technology issues, including technical support, billing inquiries, welcome desk, consumer assistance, customer service, telemarketing, and other services; WHEREFORE, on motion of Councilor Alipio Serafin D. Fernandez, duly and jointly seconded by Councilors Jose Netu M. Tamayo,
 Section 1. The entire third floor space of the New Malimgas Public Market is hereby converted from a pay parking area to space intended for Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect after ten (10) days following its posting as provided for in Section 59 of Republic Act No. 7160 (Local Government Code). ENACTED UNANIMOUSLY.