FarmOut Training Center Gets More Trainees HIRED!

FarmOut Central Intouch, Inc – a Philippine Contact Center based in Pangasinan – is proud to have been mentioned as one of the best performing call center training institution in the province. In the recent meeting of TESDA Accredited Training centers, Director Ponciano Catipon was quoted praising FOCI Training Center as a “Good Performer” when it comes to having “high hiring rates”. 

He mentioned that FOCI has close to 75% of its graduates being employed by various call centers in the country.  Our nearest competition has only a 30-40% employment rate (and yet they got more than 50% of the allocated exam vouchers).

This is proof that we are now becoming a pillar in the call center training scene in Northern Luzon. Our graduates are employed in big contact centers such as: ePLDT Ventus, Sutherland, Convergys, SITEL and others.

We thank the TESDA Pangasinan and the TESDA leadership for making the scholarship available to our graduates, without which, most of them wouldn’t be able to afford the training.

It is probably time to also ask the TESDA leadership to review its policies on the allocation of Test/Exam/Qualifying Vouchers. Currently these are allocated NOT on the basis of performance.  We urge the TESDA leadership to strongly consider allocating the exam vouchers on the basis of performance as a reward to better performing training centers, and as an incentive to other training centers to improve on their training performance and maximize the government’s investment in our people.