Developing Delegation Skills in Managers

From The Straits Times Sept 22, 2007 R52
Author: Nido Qubein,
An effective manager frees himself from the routine parts of the job by getting others to do them.
Key Points:
Learn to let go:
A weakness of poor manager is their inability or unwillingness to delgate tasks, responsibilites or outcomes
To be an effective leader, you need to know what you can delegate, when you can deleate it and whom you can delegate it to. The role of the manager is NOT to do it, but to GET OTHER people to do it.
Learn to Trust:
Three simple reasons why managers don’t delegate:
a. they don’t trust their employees
b. they think they can do it faster and easier if they do it themselves
c. the lose control when they give the task or responsibility to someone else
Here are some ways to delegate more effectively:
1. Delegate task if someone else can do it, wants to do it, needs to do t, or likes to do it.
2. When you delegate responsibility, also delegate the authority to use the resources to get it done.
3. Delegate the results not necessarily the methods
4. When you delegate something, don’t take it back.
5. Ensure the person understands what you have delegated to him and why.
6. Set benchmarks or checkpoints and then leave them alone.
7. Reinforce positive results and give feedback on negative resuts.
8. Communicate clear instructions, expectations and guidelines
9. Use delegation as a staff development tool.
10. Resist the tendency to over-inspect
11. Ask for regular written or verbal reports.
12. Remember what you delegated and to whom
13. See failure as necessary if people are willing to stretch, learn and grow.