Dept of Labor’s JobStart Inspection Tour

Farmout was visited recently by the JobStart team from Dept of Labor and its Canadian Head of Cooperation:
Allan Dexter Meneses – PESO representative
Myra Sanchez – Team Leader, Program Support Group, Scope Global
Narcisa Rivera – Senior Program Manager,Embassy of Canada
Stephen Weaver – Head of Cooperation. Canada

Vincent Villaflor, Director, Farmout
Zhynold Pasag, Trainor, Farmout
Edmund Brian Escano, Farmout Outbound Team Lead
Pia Katherine Macayan, Trainor, Farmout
Grace Martirez, Director, Farmout
Maileen Ferrer, Administrator, Farmout

JobStart Site Visit

JobStart Site Visit

Jobstart is a program funded by the Government of Canada and Asian Development Bank. It was organized by Scope Global, and implemented by DOLE and PESO.  It is a three-phased training:

  1. PESO conducts the first phase
  2. A partner private company conducts the phase 2 : technical Training and
  3. Phase 3 the Internship program