FOCI Training Head Now Qualified TESDA Assessor for Call Center Agent Training

FOCI Head for Training, Jonathan Daoana, being awarded with his certification by TESDA Provincial Director Ponciano Catipon Jr
FarmOut Central  Head for Training, Jonathan Daoana, being awarded with his certification by TESDA Provincial Director Ponciano Catipon Jr

FarmOut Central Intouch, Incorporated’s Head for Training, Jonathan Daoana, has just finished his certification training to be a qualified Call Center Training Assessor.

This qualifies Jonathan to be one of the Philippines’ first few assessors for people who have undergone training with the TESDA Call Center Agent Finishing Course.  This also makes FarmOut Training Center qualified of applying as a TESDA Assessment Center for the mentioned course.

This is just another activity that proves FarmOut’s thrust of providing quality training for individuals who would want to take on the challenge of becoming some of the best call center agents in the country. We aim for nothing but giving the best training to produce the best agents for our contact center and for our partner BPOs which we help provide workforce to.